Posts tagged with "HEALING PSYCHOLOGY"

REIKI & ANGELS · 09. June 2019
One of the most loving ways to help our children is by sending the angels to them. Angels will not interfere with their free will, but they will bring love, light, healing, and wisdom into their life experiences. You can find here some request examples sent to the angels, but finally, simply use your own words filled with love and honesty. Miracles happen when love flows into our children’s life and angels are a personification of love. Love and blessings!

REIKI & ANGELS · 20. April 2019
Many things are attributed to attunements in modern times, but how are they viewed from a traditional Japanese perspective? It appears that many contemporary notions relating to what attunements actually do, do not correspond to the Japanese way. Attunements are one of the five main elements of the system of Reiki. Basically, it is a ritual performed by a teacher with a student with the purpose of energetically supporting the student’s progress.

The word ‘Karma’ carries with it a negative connotation. It is often associated with suffering and pain. Many view it as a kind of punishment for their misdeeds. Some also believe that this punishment is imposed by God or a higher power who decides what is right and what is wrong. Many children are frightened into believing that if they do not comply, God will punish them for being bad. This belief is taken as truth and causes deep rooted fear.

Most people desire the love of a soul mate. Even if we are not completely sure of what that means, the idea that there is someone who can unconditionally love us, despite our flaws and failings is planted deep in our heart. Through our union with another we long to receive love’s mysterious, abundant and eternally satisfying gifts. The lofty vibration of soul mate love often bypasses our rational and logical thinking. It is a soothing balm that speaks to our innermost being. In this way, love is